Check out the 2013 schedule of public star parties which are now posted for our 2013 observing season starting in April and concluding in October. These sessions are open to the general public, but members of course are down at the Darling Hill Observatory far more often than the dates listed here.
Greetings fellow Astrophiles! We apologize for the technical difficulties on this website. We are in the state of flux with regard to website servicing and timely updates. Things will improve and we ask for your patience. Because of the fabulous stretch of weather we are now experiencing, the lack of good observation weather for the past couple of months, just coming off a new Moon and the Leonids arriving late tonight/early tomorrow morning, we are anxiously awaiting this evening’s opening of the observatory for your viewing pleasure. The Moon is going to be a sliver of a waxing crescent just […]
Greetings fellow astrophiles! As many, many news sources have reported, asteroid 2005 YU55 is making its closest approach to us tonight at 23:28 Universal Time (6:28 p.m. EST), where it will be flying through Delphinus, grazing Equuleus, and settling into Pegasus for a several hour stay. Darling Hill Observatory will open tonight in an attempt to see this 1/4 mile long object as it approaches within 85% of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. NOTE 1: This is will be a dim object, visible as a pinpoint of light at even high magnification. Large binoculars and +6″ scopes […]