Due to the weather and extremely soggy ground at DHO, SAS will hold both of its meetings tomorrow night at our usual OCC classroom, Rm. 343 Ferrante Hall on the campus of OCC. The board meeting starts promptly 6PM, followed immediately by the membership meeting from 7 PM to 9 PM. We will be discussing our projects that are currently underway, and we’ll discuss some future projects and activities for 2019. Your input is very important and very welcome. This is the time of year to speak up about what our focus should be for the rest of the year. […]
Well, the prediction has not improved. As such, we have decided to choose the safety of our members over the compelling desire to hear a great lecture by Tyler Beagle, talk about our many active projects and opportunities, telescopes, and the cosmos among friends. Tonight’s meeting at OCC is cancelled without a rain date. But don’t despair! We will be meeting soon! Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday April 5th (the new moon – only two weeks away) at Darling Hill Observatory at 6PM (Board Meeting) and 7PM (Public Observing). If all goes per Jeff’s plan we’ll have the […]
Tonight’s meeting may be cancelled if the prediction for snow persists. Check back after noon today (Friday 3/22) for the final call. NWS Syracuse Forecast
Did you get a new telescope over the holiday? Maybe a gift from someone who loves you. Maybe a gift from you! Maybe something that you’ve had for a while… Or maybe something you have yet to purchase! Would you like someone to show you how to get stars in the eyepiece? Then this event is for you! Astronomers from the Syracuse Astronomical Society will be on-hand to help you understand how to find interesting things to observe in the night sky using your equipment. Bring your equipment and your questions to the Community Library of Dewitt and Jamesville at […]