Greetings fellow astrophiles! We’re not even waiting until 5:00 p.m. to announce this one. Tonight looks fantastic for observing, so Darling Hill will be opening. There are no “reasonable” ISS fly-overs tonight (3 a.m. and beyond), but two Iridium Flares are predicted for tonight (shown below, from Date LocalTime Intensity(Mag) Alt. Azimuth Distance toflare centre Intensity atflare centre(Mag.) Satellite 03 Jun 22:33:10 -4 18° 273° (W ) 35.8 km (E) -6 Iridium 52 03 Jun 23:49:54 -2 37° 228° (SW ) 31.3 km (E) -8 Iridium 43
Public Viewing
Greetings fellow astrophile! The SAS Astronomical Chronicle for May 2011 is now posted (a bit close to the edge of May due to the April/May double-viewing overlap). Note that next week is our next Public Viewing session and we are hosting a lecture at White Branch Library on June 4 at 3:00 p.m. Stay tuned to the website next Friday and Saturday for weather updates.
The following post announces an upcoming SAS lecture. This page will be linked to on several site pages and facebook and is the official record of the event for any other web announcements on the topic. Please feel free to post the information elsewhere. The SAS is pleased to announce a second lecture for the 2011 viewing season. David Bishop may be known to several of the older members for his fantastic presentations and visuals in the recent past, and we are pleased to have him returning to Darling Hill after a long hiatus. This lecture will be held during […]
The following post announces an upcoming SAS lecture. This page will be linked to on several site pages and facebook and is the official record of the event for any other web announcements on the topic. Please feel free to post the information elsewhere. The SAS is pleased to announce that the first member lecture in quite some time is being given by CNY astronomer extraordinaire “Barefoot Bob” Piekiel. Bob has, among other activities, been a fixture at the Baltimore Woods observing sessions in recent years and is a wealth of information about scope design and use, much of which […]