Public Night Observation Reports

7 posts

It's a small galaxy cluster in Leo that happens to be bright enough and close enough together to fit into one picture, even though each of them are about 35 million light years away.

4/22/2022 Public Viewing Report

Last night was the first Public Session of the season, and it was a “Winner”  Fifteen visitors spent some time with us at DHO under so-so skies, and cool weather, but it didn’t seem to bother them at all.  A group of comet watchers spread a blanket out on the lawn and played games until darkness fell, but high clouds and light pollution thwarted views of any Lyrid meteors raining down.  Several toured the ground to see what Bob O., Tony K., John R had to offer, I was holed up in the chartroom all night with a large TV […]

10/1/2021 Public Night Observation Report

Last night was one of the bestest nights ever on the DHO dark site in Vesper. It was basically clear and windless all night, albeit a chilly and damp 43 degrees. The Milky Way was clearly streaking from East the West (or West to East, dunno which) across the sky. Some clouds rolled in around 2:30 AM when the slim crescent moon rose in the East…where it usually rises (:-) We entertained about a dozen of the public, who spent quite a bit of time visiting each of 7 member telescopes…two of which were located indoors, remotely using EAA. Tony […]

Moon taken on 9/24/2021

9/24/21 Public Night Observation Report

Friday night’s public session was a real hit!   About 20 people showed up to look through their own scopes or our members’.  There was a mixture of singles, couples and whole families.  Some were returnees from previous star parties.  Many are planning to join us next weekend too, when the moon will not intrude on some serious deep sky observing, during our first back-to-back public sessions.   It was perfectly clear all night, no wind.  Even the Milky Way was faintly visible under the huge gibbous moon. Temps were in the 60s at first, and quickly gave way to the mid […]