SAS Members, Tonight’s public/member session is postponed until 11/11/23 due to weather. Tomorrow night we expect clear skies, so please join us at the Darling Hill Observatory for our final public session of the year. Temperatures are expected to be at or below freezing so please dress warmly. The chart room will be open with the heat on. Thank You.
John Rush
On Friday October 13th the Syracuse Astronomical Society was hosted by the Town of Dewitt for an observing session with about 75 members of the public. The weather report showed that we might get a couple of hours of observing time and that held out as true. embers Jeff H., and Tony K. had EAA scopes setup in the park for an EAA presentation while members Alex J., Mike F., Mike Z., and John R had scopes setup for visual work. We could hear the ooh’s and ahh’s when people saw the rings of Saturn for the first time or […]
On Saturday October 7th, we entertained 6 members of the public at the Darling Hill Observatory. It was first truly fall night after several 80 degree days in a row just a couple of days earlier. The weather was rainy and miserable all day but right almost as if it was on cue the skies cleared up just after sunset. John R. slewed the Cave to almost a dozen targets entertaining the crowd on the observing deck. Targets included Saturn, Jupiter, the Veil Nebula, and the Pleiades. Jeff H. and Tony K. were down in warm chartroom entertaining guests as […]
Tonight’s public session is on. We expect it to clear up for a few hours just as it gets dark. Please try to park near the trees on the drive as the lawn is likely to be wet. Also please be prepared to walk in wet grass and dress warmly. See you on the Hill!