John Rush

34 posts
John Rush is relatively new to the hobby of Astronomy. He has always had an interest in space, and a passion for the night time sky, ever since he first looked at the rings of Saturn, through his telescope, in the backyard at his parents house. Eventually he was able to visit a sky dark enough to see the Milky Way and the rest is history. During the day he works as Technical Manager at a laboratory in Liverpool, NY. However at night if it’s clear you can very often find him at DHO pointing his telescope to the sky.

Messier Marathon at the DHO 3/21/25

Charles Messier was a French astronomer who lived from 1730 to 1817. His favorite pastime was searching for comets in the night sky. He was quite successful, discovering a total of 13 comets in his lifetime—an impressive number considering he used only a 4-inch refractor in downtown Paris. While searching in vain for Halley’s Comet, which was expected to appear near the constellation Taurus, Messier came across an object he initially mistook for the comet. However, he soon realized that it did not move against the night sky as a comet would. He had, in fact, re-discovered the Crab Nebula—now […]

What’s in the Night Sky over CNY in March 2025

As the seasons transition from winter to spring, the skies provide a unique blend of constellations, planets, and astronomical events. Let’s explore what you can expect to see in the night sky during March 2025. Constellations to Spot Orion: Known for its distinctive belt, Orion the Hunter is one of the most recognizable constellations. It is still visible around 9PM in the West all month Leo: Leo the Lion is rising higher in the east and will be up all night. Look for a giant question mark in the Sky. The bright star Regulus, which marks the lion’s heart. Gemini: The […]

New Logos and Store

While we have just finished our observing schedule for 2024, our 60th Anniversary as an organization, we do have several things still going on. Just in time for the holidays the SAS is introducing a brand new store where you can purchase items and swag to show your support of the SAS. We have t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, and other items. You can visit the link or click on the store link on the top banner at To go with the store, over the summer, we ran a contest to create new logos for the organization. The winners were […]

Tonight’s Observing Session Cancelled

SAS Members, Unfortunately this weekend’s public session at the DHO is cancelled. The wether predictions have improved but clouds and very high winds are predicted tonight so we will not be able to open the Cave telescope. As this is our last public session of the year we hope to see you in the spring. Thank You