What accessories are the most useful for the visual astronomer? How do I get the most out of my equipment? How can I describe what I observe? Are you new to the hobby of astronomy, but still somewhat confused by the terminology? Our next presentation aims to clarify the sometimes confusing aspects of amateur astronomy Join us Monday, February 21st at 7PM for a presentation by SAS board members Raymond Dague, Anthony Krishock and Mike Fratto entitled “Tools & techniques of the visual astronomer”
Anthony Krishock
** SAS Members ** Our rescheduled monthly meeting will be held on Monday, 12/27 at 7:00 PM. We will have a talk given by SAS board member and experienced astrophotographer Bob Ostrander on techniques in astrophotography. Our meeting will be virtual only over ZOOM. The meeting link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86990413832?pwd=bEprTkJUMCtUWEduaGtrRFdiYzFGUT09 Meeting ID: 869 9041 3832 Passcode: 7032
*** SAS Members *** Our meeting and talk scheduled for tonight, 12/20 at OCC Academic II have been cancelled. We will reschedule at a later date. Happy holidays!
*** SAS Members *** Due to expected rain all weekend, our observing session scheduled for tonight, 10/15 at Darling Hill has been cancelled. We will not be rescheduling on Saturday. See you next time!