Viewing the annular eclipse from Central New York

If the sky is clear the morning of June 10th, 2021, we will be able to see a partial annular eclipse at sunrise. An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon is further from the Sun and instead of covering the Sun, it leaves a visible annular ring. In North America, we’d have to go to Canada to see the totality. Here in CNY, we can see a partial annular eclipse. Sunrise is 5:30 am and you will need a clear view of the horizon, which complicates  matters. DHO is out because we don’t have a clear line of sight.

Since June 10 is near the solstice our sun rises nearly directly in the northeast, so there may be members whose houses are on a hill or a lake with a clear view to the NE horizon, dunno. This website helps predict if the sunrise and eclipse is visible from any spot in the world. 
We will add to this list as we identify spots. If you have any spots you can think of, please let us know and we will add them to the list.