Hello to all SAS members & followers! I know this has been a tough year for social activities, and I’m sorry to have to say again that we are not able to host public star parties at the Darling Hill Observatory in Tully, NY at this time. Thanks for your patience. We’ll be back in time.
As local CNY astronomers know, we have been very fortunate to have comfortable nighttime weather, clear skies, and lots of open space in Central New York for a while now and I know many of us have been enjoying the Perseids as well. If you are interested in joining the Syracuse Astronomical Society to gain access to our dark sky site, private mailing list, lectures (via Zoom currently) and better access to our member astronomers, many of whom are not active on FB, you can find information on becoming a member at /join-the-syracuse-astronomic…/ Cheers and Clear Skies!