As the seasons transition from winter to spring, the skies provide a unique blend of constellations, planets, and astronomical events. Let’s explore what you can expect to see in the night sky during March 2025.
Constellations to Spot
- Orion: Known for its distinctive belt, Orion the Hunter is one of the most recognizable constellations. It is still visible around 9PM in the West all month
- Leo: Leo the Lion is rising higher in the east and will be up all night. Look for a giant question mark in the Sky. The bright star Regulus, which marks the lion’s heart.
- Gemini: The twins, marked by the bright stars Castor and Pollux, are high overhead at 9PM all month.
- Ursa Major: As the nights progress, the Big Dipper, an asterism in Ursa Major, becomes more prominent, ushering
in the spring.
Objects to Look at through Binoculars or a Small Telescope
M42 The Great Orion Nebula: You may recognize the three belt stars of Orion, but if you look below that, you will see his sword. This is the Orion Nebula, a stellar nursery located 1,300 light-years away in the constellation of Orion.
- The Leo Triplet: Nestled near the star Chertan, which forms part of Leo’s hind legs, lies the Leo Triplet. This group consists of three galaxies that appear close together from our perspective, yet they are actually separated by thousands of light-years. They are situated about 35 million light-years away from us.
- Bode’s and Cigar Galaxy: Also known as M81 and M82, are galaxies located approximately 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. They are found to the front of the Big Dipper near Polaris. These galaxies offer a stunning view through a small telescope or binoculars.
- Mizar: A binary star in the Big Dipper, it is historically significant as part of the Mizar-Alcor test for visual acuity, allowing observers to test their eyesight by distinguishing between the two stars. Located about 80 light-years from Earth, they can be seen with the naked eye on clear nights.
Planets on Display
- Venus: Known as the “Evening Star,” Venus shines brightly in the western sky after sunset, making it a stunning sight. On March 1st, the Moon will be close by, only 6˚ apart.
- Jupiter: This giant planet is visible in the early morning hours. Look overhead at sunset to catch a glimpse of its brilliance. If you have a pair of binoculars see if you can spot the four galilean moons.
- Mars: The Red Planet is visible throughout the night, offering a perfect opportunity for observation. Its opposition back in January gives a good chance to see smaller details. On March 8th, the Moon will be just 1.7˚ away.
Moon Phases
- First Quarter: March 6th
- Full Moon: March 14th
- Last Quarter: March 22nd
- New Moon: March 29th
Special Astronomical Events
Total Lunar Eclipse: If you only have time for one Astronomical event this month an eclipse is the one to see. If you stay up late on March 13th or rise early on March 14th, you can catch a total lunar eclipse visible across central NY. The penumbral eclipse starts at 11:57 PM, followed by the partial eclipse at 1:09 AM. If you’re still awake at 2:26 AM, you’ll witness the total eclipse, which will last for just over an hour. This will be our only lunar eclipse for 2025.
- Full Worm Moon: On March 14th, the full moon known as the “Worm Moon” will illuminate the night sky. This marks the last full moon of winter. The “Worm Moon” is the full moon in March, named for the time when earthworms reappear as the ground thaws. This signals the arrival of spring. A lunar eclipse can only occur during a full moon.
- Spring Equinox: Occurring on March 20th, the equinox marks the official start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a moment when day and night are approximately equal in length.
- Partial Solar Eclipse: Although it won’t be as impressive as the eclipse we witnessed on April 8th last year, a 17% eclipse will be visible from Central NY if you’re up at sunrise on March 29th. Sunrise occurs at 6:51 AM, with the maximum eclipse happening at 6:54 AM, so ensure you have a view of the eastern horizon to catch it. The partial eclipse will conclude at 7:09 AM. This is our only solar eclipse this year. Safety Reminder: To view this eclipse, solar eclipse glasses will be necessary.
SAS Events
- Thursday March 20th: Our General Membership and Board Meeting will be held on March 20th in Room SC231 at LeMoyne College. This month’s topic will be all about Solar presented by Mike Fratto.
- Messier Marathon: Did you know that you can observe all Messier Objects in a single night? Do you even know what a Messier Object is? If the weather permits, join us for a Messier Marathon to find out. The event will take place at Darling Hill Observatory, provided the weather is favorable. Stay tuned for details on our social media platforms!
March 2025 promises a breathtaking celestial display. Whether you’re a casual observer or a dedicated astronomer, the night sky offers something for everyone. Enjoy the beauty and wonder that the stars and planets have to offer this month.