Observation Report: Cherry Springs Star Party 2024

This past weekend a few of us attended the Cherry Springs Star Party. This year was the 20th anniversary of the party, and it sold out in a record time of 57 minutes. However due to less than stellar weather reports the party was attended by far fewer people than last year’s party. While the conditions during the day weren’t great with bouts of wind and rain blowing the tents around the skies were clear at night for the two nights we stayed. On the second night we ended up with a little scare. A nearby transformer blew and the power for most of the field went out. We reported the outage to the park ranger who was on patrol and amazingly on a Friday night power was restored just before astronomical dark. Rain was predicted for the third night so we packed up a day early.  Here are some images from the weekend as well as a Time-lapse I put together of the Milky Way from the two nights.

Milky Way over the field at the Cherry Springs Star Party

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Milky Way over the field at the Cherry Springs Star Party. Captured by John Rush