The weather is shaping up to allow for a Saturday night Star Party at DHO. This month, the full moon coincides with the peak night of the Perseids meteors, but all is not lost. If the meteor show is subdued by the moon’s glare too much, you can look at the moon through the main scope. As they say, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
So bring your lawn chairs, comfortable seating, a sweater, and bug spray, along with your favorite snacks and beverages to our Darling Hill Observatory this coming Saturday night, 8/10, for this free event, starting around 8:45. We’ll open up the roof and gaze at the moon and planets (at least), so there will be something for everyone to see if the meteors aren’t spectacular. We’re expecting a large crowd, so please park around the perimeter of the grassy meadow, facing your (dimmed) headlights into the woods. Let’s use the open area in the middle for people, lawn chairs, and telescopes. Remember, there are four concrete telescope platforms (with power) available to anyone on a first-come-first-served basis. And our new privy is open for business, too.
If it’s cloudy, watch this space for any cancellation/postponement emails on Friday night and Saturday morning. Rain date will be Sunday, 8/11.
For directions to our Darling Hill Observatory, click /dho-occ-directions/
See our website www.syracuse-astro.org for more information about our organization.
Get more info on the 2019 Perseid meteor shower here: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/everything-you-need-to-know-perseid-meteor-shower