Darling Hill Observatory Will OPEN Tonight (August 11) For The Perseids – But Keep Track Of Local Conditions

Greetings fellow astrophiles,

There are mixed reports as to the amount of cloud cover tonight, but all agree that the chance of precipitation is low. Coupled with the fact that the Perseids will not wait for our conditions to improve, we’ll be opening the observatory in hopes of having clear-enough skies for catching the peak of the meteor shower late tonight. The winds are predicted to be higher than ideal for telescope observing, so we might not have lots of equipment set up (but will try regardless).

If you plan on attending, consider something to place on the ground between it and yourself. The best show will radiate from the North-East but will be right above us, so consider your neck!

And for those already looking up, we’re getting three ISS fly-bys tonight (courtesy the predictive tools at heavens-above.com)!

Date Brightness Start Highest point End
(mag) Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az.
11 Aug -2.4 20:42:11 10° WSW 20:45:00 54° WNW 20:48:37 10° NE
11 Aug -0.7 22:19:48 10° WNW 22:22:18 20° N 22:24:48 10° NE
11 Aug 0.0 23:57:03 10° NW 23:57:43 13° NNW 23:57:43 13° NNW