Greetings fellow astrophiles,
This weekend marks the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower, produced as the Earth passes through minute particles left by Comet Swift–Tuttle. The highest counts are predicted for the night of August 11th, although those in clear conditions may already be observing an increase in shooting stars from the North-East between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.

While Darling Hill Observatory is one of the darkest places in CNY for observing the Meteor Shower, any clear, dark conditions will do, so we encourage you to find yourself outside wherever you are at some point this weekend!
Unfortunately, the CNY forecasts for most of this weekend are a bit less than promising, with Sunday the 12th being the best evening (so far) for observing. Our plan is to have Darling Hill open for at least one night this weekend for those interested in attending (and all three nights if the skies are clear). We’ll be posting here by 5:00 p.m. on the 10th, 11th, and 12th with opening announcements.
If attending, consider bringing whatever it is you prefer to place between yourselves and the ground. The best views are straight up, meaning your best orientation is horizontal (and oriented with your feet to the North-East).