Greetings fellow astrophiles,
In rapid succession!
1. David Bishop Lecture
The weather this weekend is expected to go from bad to worse tomorrow evening, with more severe rain predicted for Saturday afternoon. While tonight will very-very likely not be good for observing, the chance for rain is less than predicted for tomorrow, so we will be hosting David Bishop at Darling Hill this evening for a year-in-review astronomy lecture.
As I’ve mentioned before, David used to make the yearly pilgrimage to Darling Hill for this lecture and they were always well-attended and informative. We are delighted to have David back and the board and I are looking forward to his lecture tonight!
September Newsletter
The September newsletter is up for download HERE. Included in the newsletter is a brief summary about our 2011 Summer Seminar.
UARS Update From NASA
For those paying attention to the imminent demise of the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, check out the NASA website for updates. The trajectory has changed since the last estimate and, while it should not be of any concern to North America, it is an event of global importance (as it will happen again).