Greetings fellow astrophiles! We’re not even waiting until 5:00 p.m. to announce this one. Tonight looks fantastic for observing, so Darling Hill will be opening. There are no “reasonable” ISS fly-overs tonight (3 a.m. and beyond), but two Iridium Flares are predicted for tonight (shown below, from Date LocalTime Intensity(Mag) Alt. Azimuth Distance toflare centre Intensity atflare centre(Mag.) Satellite 03 Jun 22:33:10 -4 18° 273° (W ) 35.8 km (E) -6 Iridium 52 03 Jun 23:49:54 -2 37° 228° (SW ) 31.3 km (E) -8 Iridium 43
Daily Archives: 06/03/2011
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